So what is the Communist government planning to do with this exponential growth of people?Utilize them and take over the world so that they have a place to put them. It is apparent that this plan is already in motion. In almost every school in the nation, Chinese budlings have established the stereotype of being "smart" and have risen to the top rank of every school. Education control: check. In businesses and corporations, the Chinese have established the reputation of being paranoid perfectionists and have succeeded in taking h

The Russians, as explained below are the brawn of this Chinese takeover. They will invade and conquer America while Steven, with the help of the Russians, will destroy the line of succession, the Houses of Congress and become the President/Chairman of the new Commune of America. The Russians will then be dealt with accordingly (thrown into hell... probably somewhere in Detroit). With the combined economic might and military power of the Commune of America with China, the world will be defenseless as one by one, the countries of the world are absorbed into the Commune.
Welcome to Utopia! Long Live Chairman Chu! Long Live the Motherland!
Thou hast been warned and heed this warning carefully. For as Sun Tzu said "When the warning of the enemy is as clear as the blue sky, follow it well or you will be fated to end up in Detroit".
Thay lak wun thing: linguistic control. Sew long az wii halve that, thei wil nevir triumf.
ReplyDeleteI think I remember that specific quote from the Art of War. A telling article indeed.
ReplyDeleteHell is certainly somewhere around Detroit.
ReplyDeleteNice piece guys, and it hits all the right spots too - reminds me of the verbiage spilling forth from this latest batch of clowns: